Wednesday, May 16


'N I'll keep singing after swimming in my rivers of loneliness.
'N I'll keep singing in this silence, where our memories recall.
'N I'll keep singing, while our melody 's now Gone.

But I'll keep swimming. Oh Yeah, I'll keep swimming baby,
Even though none of the sailors at those ports is You...
I'll keep swimming. and I'll find You.

'Cause there's so much to learn, so much to live 'n so much to understand,
I'll see you soon my lover, my friend. I've already left 'n my adventure has just begun...

Yes, I'll keep swimming, I'll keep walking, I'll keep climbing, I'll keep fighting 'n I'll keep singing.
Just send me your love 'n protect me so I can find the way Back where I Belong, easily....

I promise  I'll make it back

"Conserva lo que tienes. Olvida lo que te duele. Lucha por lo que quieres. Valora lo que posees. Perdona a los que Hieren y Disfruta a los que te Aman". 

Yep, So many things that I Regret...

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