Wednesday, June 18


hola again!! Se q hace mucho q no posteo nada y sorry por eso, ha sido un año muy complejo, de retos y crecimiento personal.
If any of my old followers ia still reading this post. I gotta say Thanks a lot for keeping an eye on my blog :).
You guys are AWESOME :)

Como podrán concluir después de mi post anterior esa historia de amor que me hizo ir por montañas rusas alucinantes y me lleno la vida de issues (tb momentoa bellos). Se terminó, Sí.... Se terminoóy después de este tiempo sólo me queda decir q estoy más feliz q nunca TRANQUILA, sin aguantar boludeces inmaduras de aquel ser inestable. puedo decir que.... ME LIBERÉ :).
Me mudé a un pais totalmente diferente y lejos, lejos d mi hogar natal. I guess that losing one of the most important persons in my life, achieving my biggest success and realizing that who I thought it was "The One" turned out being the biggest dissappointment and hurt in my life, all at the same time created in me that huge need to leave and start over,  on my own and away from everything I knew.
Over a year later I am glad to say that even when things haven't been easy, and sometimes I felt like it was "too much", I am happy to be where I am. 

I don't regret anything that happened and all I've is just gratitude for the life I have. I am in the process of living my dream...
What about you guys?? are you living your dreams?
Do you realize that ANYTHING is possible in this life?. ANYTHING YOU WANT FROM YOUR <3.
So now I will leave you with one thing to do. Think on what you really want.
not what your parents, your family wants for you but, What YOU want for yourself. Make your list and then.... what are you doing towards this list?
Dreams CAN be true my dears, it just depends on how hard are you willing to work for them.
Love You all n hope you're having an awesome week.

See you on my next post

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